Very Special Silky Terriers

Sometimes, a very special Silky Terrier comes along in rescue...a Silky who is so deserving of another chance, but has ended up in a rescue program and is in need of expensive veterinary care. Most rescue groups operate "on a shoestring" and can't afford the specialized care that is sometimes needed...without some extra help.

On this page, we post Silky Terriers that are in need of special help from the community of Silky Terrier people that care so much about these wonderful little critters.

Before we post a Silky on this page, we have verified the situation with the veterinarians involved. The coordinators of the Silky Terrier Rescue Charitable Trust receives the donations and sends them directly to pay for the vet care of the you can be certain that donations will be used to directly help the Silky that you donate for.

We can receive donations through Pay Pal - each Silky's page has a donation button if you wish to use this method.

If you prefer, email me at and I will send you the address where you can mail a personal check or money order.

Of course, we also have a general Rescue Fund which is used to fund regular vet care such as vaccinations and spay/neuter for our rescue Silkys - an average of over 70 Silkys per year for the past few years. For information about donations to the general rescue fund, or for memorial or "in honor of" donations, please click here.

We hope you'll visit the pages of these special Silkys, and help if you are able.

Bentley was cruelly neglected and probably abused. Due to an untreated injury, he needed major surgery. The Bentley Fund is closed, now, but click here to read his
Kookie spent most of her life in a puppy mill. After her rescue, she developed a severe problem with her eye and required expensive tests and treatment. Click here for more information about Kookie. The Kookie Fund is closed.kookie
Buddy was 10 years old when he came to our rescue program. We soon learned he had glaucoma. We were able to provide the recommended treatment for Buddy, thanks to the generosity of our Silky Terrier folks. Ultimately, though, he lost both eyes to the glaucoma. He was adopted by a wonderful family. He is now doing well, and pain-free. His family loves him very much. The Buddy Fund is closed. buddy
Silky Terrier Rescue Charitable Trust
Posted 11/15/03
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